Chicken Pox, oh no!
The quilt top is almost finished, I just need to sew on the border. I just realized I never showed the baby quilt I finished a few months ago, the top is finished and it is on my quilting frame now so hopefully I'll be able to finish that in the next few weeks. I've had trouble deciding which quilting pattern to use, but I made the quilt with the intention of donating it to Project Linus and to practice machine quilting so I should just pick something and finish it! I need to get it off the frame so I can quilt the Wallpaper quilt. I'm really happy with how it looks, I especially like how the border is 3 smaller strips, I think it really pulls it all together.
Hubby spend all day Saturday cleaning the "sewing room" which used to be his room that he is now sharing with a 10' long quilting frame that takes up half the room! He didn't put up too much of a fight because he really doesn't use the room much anymore but he insisted the orange paint color and Marilyn Monroe pictures had to stay. I think it looks really nice and I love having space for my sewing supplies, although the dining room table is still covered with fabric and my other sewing machine! We're thinking of getting a rolling stool to replace the desk chair because there's isn't enough room for it.
And my son has the chicken pox! I thought since he had the vaccine that he wouldn't be able to get it, but apparently that's not how it works. Before the vaccine, the average number of pox someone would get was 600 to thousands and with the vaccine the cases tend to have less pox and be much less severe. Hopefully it won't be too bad but it looks like we'll miss out on our family's company picnic at Hershey Park this Saturday. Bummer, I was really looking forward to it :( It's been years since I've been to an amusement part and actually been able to ride the rides since I always seem to be pregnant. Oh well, there's always next year.
I'm sorry to hear that your son has the chicken pox! I hope it will be mild.
I had no idea that quilt frames look like that. Are they a "must-have" in quilting?
I love the orange paint -- very warm.
Poor little guy! I hope he gets to feeling better soon.
Wow, it all looks very impressive so far.
I hope the little 'un feels better soon. I found cool baths helped with the itching when I had it.
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